yuda occurs in all the following expressions connected with flowering plants:
Australian | respelt | English | EngJSM | source |
“beljie-ah-yootah-boolyah” | bildyiya yuda bulya | “leschenaultia (blue flowering bush) ” | blue shrub flowering | [16] Hammond [:309:41] [NYUNGAR] |
“beljie-yootah-kwiljee” | bildyi yuda gwildyi | “runner, red (red flowering climber) ” | red runner | [16] Hammond [:365:31] [NYUNGAR] |
“{beljie-yootah, boolyah}” | bildyi yuda | “everlasting, red” | red flower | [16] Hammond [:264:30.01] [NYUNGAR] |
“beljie-yootah, bounuh” | bildyi yuda buna | “gum, red-flowering” | red flower tree | [16] Hammond [:279:2] [NYUNGAR] |
“bounuh-yootah” | buna yuda | “kangaroo paw (stick bush) ” | kangaroo paw | [16] Hammond [:302:37] [NYUNGAR] |
“kahta-ninda-yootah” | gada ninda yuda | “orchid, spider (head & tail flower) ” | orchid | [16] Hammond [:342:15] [NYUNGAR] |
“yallominee-yootah-bounuh” | yalumini yuda buna | “bush, smoke” | smoke bush | [16] Hammond [:229:46] [NYUNGAR] |
“yooljee-ah-mun-gyt-yootah” | yuldyiya mangad yuda | “banksia” | banksia | [16] Hammond [:209:42] [NYUNGAR] |
“yooljee-ah-mun-gyt-yootah” | yuldyiya mangad yuda | “tree, banksia (yellow honey flower) ” | banksia | [16] Hammond [:421:10] [NYUNGAR] |
From this is would seem the best interpretation of yuda is ‘flower’.
Other vocabulary that can be deduced:
bildyi: red/blood
bulya: [normally ‘magic/evil spirit; so possibly a transcription error for buna]
gwildyi: climber, creeper [?]
buna: wood, tree, stick
gada: head
ninda: tail
yalumini: white (bright?); moon, smoke (both being white/bright)
yuldyiya: yellow
mangad: sweet, honey, nectar, sugar — hence sweet things such as banksia flowers
Further support from the records:
“bil-jee” | bildyi | “blood” | blood | [16] Hammond [:219:43] [NYUNGAR] |
“biljie” | bildyi | “red (same as for blood) ” | red | [16] Hammond [:360:8] [NYUNGAR] |
“boo-na” | buna | “wood” | wood | [4 (a)] Grey [: 446:42] [Wajuk] |
“boona” | buna | “tree; wood; stick” | tree | [23] Buller-Murphy [: 420:42] [Dordenup [Wardandi]] |
“cata” | gada | “head” | head | [8] Salvado 1851 [:284:38] [NYUNGAR] |
“kat-ta” | gada | “head” | head | [5] Symmons 1841 [:284:51] [Wajuk] |
“yallominee” | yalumini | “moon” | moon | [16] Hammond [:325:7] [NYUNGAR] |
“yallominee” | yalumini | “white (same as moon) ” | white | [16] Hammond [: 438: 45] [NYUNGAR] |
“Neent” | nind | “Tail” | tail | Nind, Scott [:4:44] [NYUNGAR] |
“neent” | nind | “tail” | tail | [2] Nind 1831 [:403:34] [NYUNGAR] |
“neander” | niyandir | “tail” | tail | [24] Hassell, Edney [:403:35] [NYUNGAR] |
“neint” | niyind | “tail” | tail | [11] Hassell AA 1894 [?] [:403:38] [NYUNGAR] |
“yool-jie-ah” | yuldyiya | “yellow” | yellow | [16] Hammond [: 449: 29] [NYUNGAR] |
“mungitch” | mungidy | “honey, sweet, sugar” | sweet | [24] Hassell, Edney [:291:1] [NYUNGAR] |
“mungitch” | mangidy | “banksia; honey; sweet; sweetly; sugar” | nut | [23] Buller-Murphy [:210:8] [Dordenup [Wardandi]] |
“mungyt” | mangad | “sugar; honey; anything sweet” | nectar | [15] Hammond [:399:3] [NYUNGAR] |
—yuda would seem to mean ‘flower’, not ‘bush/shrub’
—bulya (3rd example) might be a transcription error, given that buna appears in the example following, having the same form
—mangad would seem to mean ‘sweet’. This word was considered in a previous post, where it was suggested it might really mean ‘ant’. Perhaps there is a connection in ‘sugar ant’, Australian ants.